Saturday, 22 September 2012

Complete Information About IPS Examination -

Firstly I have to Inform you that the IAS/IPS Examination was conducted by UPSC Every Year and To Become IPS Officer you need to apply for the UPSC Civil services Examination.

The Examination also Knows as (CSAT) Civil Services Aptitude Test.

And To appear in this examination you have to complete Your Graduation degree course in any discipline from a recognised University.

So, if your age should between 21 to 30 years, then you are eligible to apply for this examination, Final year Graduate Candidates are also eligible for Civil services examination.

The Examination was conducted into Two Stages.

>> Preliminary Examination (Compulsory for all candidates)

>> Main Examination (Only for those who Crack the Preliminary examination).

The Notification was Declared in the Month of February and Published in the employment Newspaper and In the Official Official Website.

Eligible Candidates May Fill the Application form Online By visit the Official website, If you are Interested to apply for this examination, then please wait for the Nest year Notification, The application form was also availiable in the Post offices in India, You can also Obtained form there. And For Complete Information please visit the UPSC Official website -

CSAT Preliminary Examination pattern -


Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Monday, 20 August 2012

windows xp operating system installation steps with ppt

windows xp operating system installation steps with ppt

The Following ppts shows about how to install Windows XP Operating system in your computer.
Widows XP Installation:
Press F2
Press any Key
Window Setup
Press Enter

Press F8
Press C : Create Partition
Press D: For Delete Partition
Select File System you want,then Click ENTER

Click Next
Type Your Full Name and Your Company Name
Enter Your Product Key
Click Next
Set the Current Date and Time For Your Computer
Select Typical Settings

Windows XP Operating System Installation is Completed For Your Computer.

Friday, 29 June 2012

nasscom syllabus

NAC Tech Syllabus :Part A – Mandatory test. The syllabus under each section are -
  1. Verbal ability : Articles, reading comprehension, prepositions, synonyms
  2. Analytical Ability : Data sufficiency, series & pattern completion, conceptualization, venn diagram, puzzles.
  3. Attention to Details : Aptitude & decision making, math operator, replacement.
  4. Programming Fundamentals: SDLC, Algorithm, flowcharts.
  5. Learning Ability Test : Learning abilities.
  6. Written English Test : Vocabulary, content, grammar, spelling & punctuation.
Part B
IT Concepts Test : Introduction to Databases, Relationships, ER Diagrams, Constraints and Keys, Normalization, Indexing, Performance, Locking, Database Structures & Processes, ProcessManagement, Deadlocks, Memory management, OS File Management, OS Security fundamentals, IO Management, Device Management, Network Technology, Network Topology, OSI Reference model, Protocols, Client Server Architecture,Linked Lists, Trees,Stacks, Queues, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Sorting and Searching Algorithms, Structures, Software Life Cycle(SDLC), Requirements Analysis, Design, Coding, Levels of Testing, Implementation, Maintenance, Development Models.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

DR. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Speech

DR. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Speech 
1. à®¨ீநீயாக à®‡à®°ு .
2 . Clean ur Home, Clean ur society,  Automatically Country Will Clean.(Against corruption).

3.  Dream Ur Aim Always

Tuesday, 27 March 2012


How To Use Dreamweaver

Click on any image for larger version

software available in
Before you begin, Turn on your Dreamweaver Program!
Before you create your webpages, begin by creating a folder that will contain your entire website. Go to the File menu and from the drop down menu select "New Folder.

For this this exercise, click on the "untitled folder" and let's name our folder (sometimes called a "Directory") "my_web_site"
It is important as a rule-of-process, to always name folders, webpages and images with lowercase text and no spaces in their naming.
Other text that is not usuable in naming pages, images and folders are: [ !,-,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,)?,/,<,+,= ]

Open your "my_web_site" folder and create a new folder and name that new folder "images". The purpose of creating subfolders (sometimes called "sub-directories") are to hold specific files in our website.

Once we create and import images for our web pages, we will save those image files here. The purpose of these subfolders is to ensure better organization of your files.

Other types of subfolders that you may eventually include will be folders for your music, animation, and printable document files called pdf's.
Again the main reason for these subfolders is so you may organize your contents.

Now we can create our "Site" within Dreamweaver. Go to and click the Menu tab labeled "Site". From that drop down menu, select "New Site"

You should see a dialogue box appear, make sure the "Advanced Tab" is highlighted. Your instructor may opt to take you through the "Basic" tab sittings at first.

First we give our site a name (usually best to name the site the same as our folder we created earlier, except in this case you may have spaces).

Next we select the destination of our local root folder. This is the folder we just created for our website. Dreamweaver will assist us in managing our site. Click on the folder icon to right of lable for Local Root Folder: and navigate over to where you saved your "my_web_site" folder, click on that folder and then say choose.

In the future, you may create your website folders with this option within the site manager.

As well as Images folder and other sub folders may be created through site management options.

When you have finished defining your site, this is what you should see in your site manager.

Now lets create a blank web page to begin our work. Within Dreamweaver, go to "File" and click. From the drop-down menu select "New"

You will see a dialouge box that asked what sort of work you are doing. In this case make sure Basic Page and HTML are high-lighted and then click on "Create"

Next we need to be in the practice of before we begin our work, we should always name and save our files. Since this page will serve for now as our "Home Page" we always name our home page the "index" page. This is because when someone goes to your website, as in your case, "my_web_site". Their Internet browers looks for the "index" page as the first page. So save this page with the name index.html.
Save this index file to your site folder "my_web_site"

You should see this in your site manager. If your "Site" manager window is not open, just as when you created your site as in Example #6, Go to the "Site" menu, and select "Open Site" and then select "My Web Site" from the list and you can see the Site Manager. From this list you may select any file. Select the index.html file if it is not already open on your desktop.

When we see our index page (homepage) we can now give our website a title.

Click within the "Title" box and give your website a greeting, such as "Welcome to my website", that would include your name or name of materials convered in the website.

It should look something like this in the Title Bar

We could begin entering information on the index page as it is now. Yet to better organize information on your page, let's insert a table with a specific size and begin there to format our web pages.
Go To the "Insert" Menu item and then on the drop-down menu, go to and click "Table"

You should see a dialogue box that contains information about the Table you wish to insert. As you can see we have several options. For this exercise, lets create a table with 1 (one) Row, 1 (one) column, "fixed" at 640 pixels option, 0 (zero) border, and 0 (zero) cell padding. Once you become better aquainted with web page layout, you will want to utilize these options at a later time.Choose "OK" when you have finished.

Once you have inserted a Table, you have several options from your "Properties" Window. If you do not see your "Properties" Window, go to and click on the Window drop-down menu and click "Properties. The table has to be high-lighted (as on the left) to utilize the Properties window. Now you may work with the available back ground and border colors.

To choose your table, use the arrow tool to high-light the table. To make changes in table colors, use the "Properties" Toolbox display from the Menu "Window" to adjust "Brdr Color" for Border Colors.

To adjust the Border sizes, select the table and change the number within the "Properties Menu. To have a table without borders, input "0" zero.

To choose your table, use the arrow tool to high-light the table. To make changes in table colors, use the "Properties" Toolbox display from the Menu "Window" to adjust background colors choose "Bg Color" and select from the color menu.

Before you place text or images in your table, click in your table with your curser and select the appropriate alignment from the Properties Window". Depending on how you plan to create your page, you may choose from "Left, Center, Right". Default settings may be to the left. In the case of this exercise, choose the "Left" setting.

You may now type in or paste text from another document (i.e. - Word, or html) into your table. High-lighting the text gives you the option to change the colors of the text within the "Properties Box"

For Bright backgrounds you need to choose a light colored text, or better yet, rethink your color schemes for your backgrounds.

When using colors for text and table, be sure that you used colors that are high in contrast versus colors that are similar.

This is a more appropriate way to set your table and font colors. It is best to use high contrast when displaying text in a web page. You may also try light-colored text on a dark back ground.

Now lets insert an image into your website. Click your curser into the table you created.Go to "Insert: Menu and in the drop-down, click on Image.
You may need to either scan an image or seek a copyright free images from the Internet. If you scan an image, or take one with a digital camera, the resolution of the image needs to be 72-100 dots per inch (dpi) to work on the Internet correctly.

Addtionally if you want to insert other media, this is the same procedure, just go to the "Media" drop-down item and choose the appropriate media, (i.e.) Flash animation.
To continue with Image Insert, you will have to navigate to where you have your image saved. Sometimes it is best to save the images you will use in the "images" folder within your site. Dreamweaver will ask you if you want to save it there, if you have not.
Select the image you have saved and say Choose.

Once the image is chosen, it will be placed it into your table, to the left, right, or center, depending on how you have set up the alignment (see example 24).
You need now to name your image. Click on your image, the "Properties Box" changes depending on what is sellected. In the right upper corner is a section for "ALT" In that box, name what the image is. This option is for those that use the Internet with disabilities and may be unable to see images. This option alloys them to hear what the image is. If it is not assigned a name, the person using ALT tags will only here, "Image". It is a good policy to learn to add Alt tags to your images and Hot Spots for Persons under the American Disabilities Act (ADA)

Once your image is added to your website, it should show up in your site manager as shown here.

If we would like to make a Hot Spot over an image so we can add a Link to another site. First high-light the image. Next from the lower left side of the Properties Box, select the appropriate type of Hotspot (Squares, Circles, Polygons) and draw a Hot Spot over your image.

Again you have to name your Hot Spot in the Alt Tags Box. In this case, "The Washington Monument" is the appropriate text. Next you need to add the link to the external website. In this case it is
Once you have done this, you can test your link by going to "File" to the drop-down menu to "Preview in Browser", and select the Browser. A temporary copy of your webpage will be displayed and you can test your links.
To create a link to another page in your site. First you must create a new html document, just as was done for the "index" page. This time you may name the new document as you wish, just remember:
It is important as a rule-of-process, to always name folders, webpages and images with lowercase text and no spaces in their naming.
Other text that is not usuable in naming pages, images and folders are: [ !,-,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,)?,/,<,+,= ]